
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Psalm 96:3

The glory of God revealed in all of creation and among all people and nations is the foundational motivation of our effort in making disciples.

God’s people are called to be witnesses of Jesus locally and globally. The biblical redemption narrative and divine purpose of God informs our proclamation of the gospel:

  • All of creation and mankind reflecting God’s glory
  • The fall of man resulting in separation from God in this life and the life to come
  • God’s provision of redemption anticipated in the choosing of Israel to be God’s people, accomplished through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus and now proclaimed by the church
  • The hope and reality of restoration through the embracing of the good news through faith

Specifically, the Jesus “commission” is the paradigm in which we seek make disciples of the nations:

  • Being his witnesses near and far (Acts 1:8)
  • Making disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • The centrality of the gospel message (John 3:16; Romans 10:14-17)
  • The influence of love in action (Matthew 5:13-16; John 13:35)

The following mission values guide our strategy:

1.    Mission is the privilege and call of every disciple.
2.    Mission is more than just sending disciple makers to the unreached in “foreign lands.” It is making disciples wherever we are.
3.    Mission is multiplied through strategic partnerships
•    In the local church
•    With organizations
•    With individuals, couples and families
4.    Holistic care for mission partners is as important as financial support.
5.    Mission awareness, participation, prayer and holistic support of partners are the primary responsibilities of a mission team in a local church and should be the focus of everyone.
6.    Mission is motivated by humble worship, genuine concern of the lost and faithful stewardship in the kingdom of heaven.

The following are some of the specific strategies we employ to make disciples of the nations:

1.    Actively partner with local organizations and ministries that share our commitment to making disciples.
2.    Identify regions of the world where evidence of the Holy Spirit’s conviction is observed and active; partner with people and organizations that are targeting those regions.
3.    Commit to partners with whom we can provide significant support and with whom we can actively collaborate.
4.    Actively support partners through personal care, financial support, regular prayer and practical involvement.
5.    Commit to partners who will encourage and equip us in our local disciple-making.

Our Missions Partners

Our regional and national partners include:

International partners:

  • Mount Aetna Bible Church supports many missionaries in various parts of the world but for their safety we do not publish their names or locations.